The use of nuclear energy in the shipping industry is once again coming under the spotlight as part of efforts to achieve a zero-carbon society. Against this backdrop, the first full-scale review committee dedicated to exploring the potential application of nuclear energy in the maritime sector, the “Review Committee of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Maritime Industries” (headed by Taiga Mitsuyuki, Associate Professor at Yokohama National University), was launched on 1 December 2024 as a project research committee under The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers (JASNAOE). The committee will operate for two years.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= Review Committee of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Maritime Industries, CorePower, DNV

Challenges in Coordination
Historically, the application of nuclear energy has been hampered by jurisdictional differences between the electricity and maritime sectors, making coordination complex. The committee’s activities could contribute to the formulation of international standards set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), raising expectations for the global expansion of nuclear energy use in the maritime industry.
A Challenge Rooted in History
The application of nuclear energy in the maritime sector dates back to the Soviet icebreaker Lenin in the 1960s, and numerous international projects have since been pursued. However, from the 1970s onwards, many of these projects were halted due to cost concerns and challenges in public acceptance. Even so, Russia continues to operate nuclear-powered icebreakers such as Sevmorput and floating nuclear power plants like Akademik Lomonosov, ensuring that nuclear-powered maritime applications have not disappeared entirely.
In contrast, Japan has not seen significant research or discussion at the intersection of the maritime and nuclear sectors since the Mutsu nuclear ship project ended in the 1990s. However, in recent years, nuclear energy has been revisited in the context of mitigating fluctuations in renewable energy supply and for use in hydrogen and ammonia production. This has led to renewed discussions at bodies such as the Council on Competitiveness-Nippon (COCN), bringing maritime nuclear applications back into focus.
The newly established Review Committee of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Maritime Industries will conduct a multi-faceted analysis of the technical, economic, and social challenges involved, while reviewing domestic and international case studies. The committee brings together experts from various fields, including those with experience from the Mutsu project. Its commitment to neutral and scientifically based discussions sets it apart from similar projects worldwide.

The key research themes include:
- Assessing the current state of nuclear energy use in the maritime sector, both domestically and internationally.
- Evaluating technical challenges, public acceptance, and economic viability.
- Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impacts and challenges posed by nuclear energy use.
A Key to Carbon Neutrality
International shipping accounts for approximately 3% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making decarbonisation an urgent priority. As a zero-carbon and stable energy source that can supplement the limitations of renewable energy, nuclear power holds the potential to be a game-changer.
In Japan, momentum is building among shipbuilding companies, with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) spearheading the NEXIP project. The committee’s work will play a crucial role in defining a concrete vision for nuclear energy in the maritime industry. Beyond merely following global trends, Japan is expected to take the lead in this field.
The committee plans to publish research findings through academic presentations and reports to engage both the public and industry stakeholders. However, beyond technological and economic feasibility, public understanding and acceptance of nuclear energy remain critical. The success of this initiative will depend heavily on international collaboration.
The integration of nuclear energy into the maritime industry could open new frontiers for both sectors. As the committee’s activities conclude in November 2026, attention will be focused on the outcomes it delivers.

ゼロカーボン社会の実現に向けて、海運産業への原子力エネルギー利用が再び注目されている。その中で、海事産業分野における原子力利用の可能性を探る初の本格的な検討委員会である「海事産業における原子力エネルギー利用検討委員会(Review Committee of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Maritime Industries)」(代表者・満行泰河(MITSUYUKI Taiga)、横浜国立大学准教授, YOKOHAMA National University, Associate Professor)が、日本船舶海洋工学会(The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers、JASNAOE)のプロジェクト研究委員会として2024年12月1日から2年間の活動を開始した。
(Text by山本裕史、Hirofumi Yamamoto)
その中で、現在もロシアは砕氷船「Sevmorput」等や浮体式発電所「Akademik Lomonosov」を運用しており、原子力の海事利用が完全に途絶えることはなかった。
これに対し、近年では国際的に再生可能エネルギーの「負荷変動」対策や、水素・アンモニア製造への活用といった多様な可能性が議論されており、産業競争力懇談会(Council on Competitiveness-Nippon)で検討がされるなど、海洋での原子力活用が再び脚光を浴びつつある。
新たに設立された「海事産業における原子力エネルギー利用検討委員会」(Review Committee of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Maritime)では、国内外での事例を精査しつつ、技術的・経済的・社会的な課題を多面的に分析する。委員会には、原子力船「むつ」の経験者を含む各分野の専門家が集結。中立的かつ科学的エビデンスに基づいた議論を進める点が、国内外の類似プロジェクトと一線を画す。
日本では経済産業省(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)主導のNEXIPプロジェクトも実施されるなど、造船企業を中心とした動きも加速している。