〆Month Since the Grounding of Ultrabulk’s MPP Ultra Galaxy

〆Oil Recovery Operations Continue in South Africa Following Vessel Grounding

It has now been one month since the grounding of the multi-purpose vessel (MPP) Ultra Galaxy, operated by Danish shipping giant Ultrabulk (headquartered in Copenhagen) and owned by a Japanese shipowner. The vessel, formerly known as Thorco Shipping, has a deadweight tonnage of 13,800 and was built by Honda Heavy Industries in 2008.

On July 8, 2024, local time, the Ultra Galaxy ran aground off the coast of Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. This week, the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) released a report detailing the ongoing oil recovery efforts along the South African coast, providing an update on the situation since the incident occurred.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)

■One Week of Favourable Weather Required
According to British maritime valuation firm VesselsValue, the registered owner of the grounded Ultra Galaxy is Fujita Shoji KK, headquartered in Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture. Fujita Shoji KK owns one other vessel, the multi-purpose vessel BBC Rainbow (18,000 DWT, built in 2010), which is currently chartered to Germany’s leading MPP operator, BBC Chartering.
Following the grounding of the Ultra Galaxy, the vessel sustained significant damage, leading to the evacuation of its 18 crew members on July 8. Efforts to prevent the spillage of fuel and oil from the grounded ship are still ongoing.
The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) has indicated that the salvage team working on the Panamanian-flagged Ultra Galaxy is hoping for at least a week of favorable weather to prepare for the recovery of a substantial amount of fuel and oil still on board.
The top priority remains to determine why the ill-fated vessel ended up stranded along South Africa’s west coast. SAMSA’s Chief Operations Officer, Sobantu Tilayi, explained during a briefing to local media at the grounding site that the responsibility for investigating the cause of the grounding lies with Panama, the vessel’s flag state, under international maritime law and regulations. SAMSA will only provide assistance if necessary or requested.

Tilayi confirmed that the Panamanian maritime authorities have already begun their investigation, and the 18 Filipino crew members, who were injured during the incident, were interviewed and are expected to arrive back in their home country by the end of last week.
With the investigation into the cause of the Ultra Galaxy’s grounding now officially underway, Smit Salvage South Africa’s salvage team, led by Salvage Master Rudolph Punt, emphasized that at least another week of good weather is needed to fully ascertain the presence of low-sulfur fuel and oil within the vessel’s lower tanks.

■Vessel Splits into Four Sections

During a briefing with local media last week, SAMSA’s conversation with Salvage Master Rudolph Punt revealed that persistent bad weather has significantly hindered the meticulous process required to effectively extract several tons of fuel and oil believed to remain aboard the grounded vessel. Specifically, the plan involves stabilizing the wrecked ship by mooring a platform supply vessel (PSV) alongside it. Once the fuel tanks below are located, the fuel and oil inside must be heated to around 50 degrees Celsius before being transferred to the PSV via pipes.

Punt explained that when the salvage team arrived on-site two weeks ago, they encountered just one day of favorable weather, during which they managed to extract approximately 8 cubic meters of oil. However, on July 27, the ship split into four sections, rupturing two tanks (No. 1 and No. 2) and resulting in the spillage of tons of fuel and oil, which spread over a kilometer into the sea and along the coastline.

Due to the presence of tons of oil and marine fuel coating more than a kilometer of the South African coastline, Spill Tech’s environmental cleanup team has been fully engaged in identifying and removing the remnants of the wrecked vessel and the spilled fuel and oil. Gareth Goosen, the company’s Environmental Director, confirmed this on Friday. Despite the uncertain scale of the debris, spilled oil, and the geographical spread across both land and sea, Goosen stated that the team approached the task well-prepared.

At the scene, various equipment and vehicles were deployed to recover, contain, and dispose of the debris and solidified oil and fuel. These included hard fragments scraped off when the vessel broke apart. The grounding of Ultra Galaxy, which occurred while it was navigating northeast towards Dar es Salaam in Tanzania along South Africa’s west coast, and its subsequent breakup and oil spill, was an unforeseen event for the local community in the Matzikama municipal area.

As a result, the community was unprepared for such an incident. However, according to Ngema, Spill Tech’s Commercial and HR Director, once the salvage and environmental cleanup teams contacted the local community, they responded promptly and took immediate action.

■Youth Take the Lead

According to Ngema, within hours of the ship breaking apart and spilling fuel and oil onto the adjacent coastline, 231 local residents—96% of whom were young people aged 18 to 35—mobilized to clean up the affected areas. An additional 400 individuals are on standby, ready to be deployed should more oil and fuel leak from the stranded vessel.

Ironically, as the saying goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining,” Ngema noted that all those currently engaged in the cleanup operation for Spill Tech, especially the youth, were previously unemployed. He revealed that over the past three weeks since the salvage operation and the oil and fuel spill cleanup began, Matzikama Municipality has spent around 2 million rand on locally sourced supplies and labor.

Given the unpredictable timeline of the salvage operation—due to poor weather and challenging terrain—Ngema explained that this expenditure is likely to increase over the coming weeks. This process will continue to provide much-needed employment income, particularly for the local youth, who are generally among the most affected by unemployment.

Michael Heads, Managing Director of 2Oceans P&I Correspondents, the representatives of the shipowner’s insurance company, stated that there is “no worst-case scenario” in dealing with maritime accidents such as the one currently being addressed on South Africa’s remote west coast, of about 300 km northwest of Cape Point. Heads explained that marine insurers typically anticipate and plan for such situations. In the case of Ultra Galaxy, the insurers were prepared for any eventuality concerning the vessel’s condition, including the final removal of the ship after the recovery of its cargo and fuel.

〆ウルトラバルク(Ultrabulk)運航のMPP(multi-purpose vessel)ウルトラギャラクシー(Ultra Galaxy)の座礁から1カ月が経過した。

南アフリカの現地時間2024年7月8日、デンマーク不定期船大手ウルトラバルク(本社・コペンハーゲン)が運航し、日本船主が保有する多目的船(MPP)「ウルトラギャラクシー」(旧ソルコ・ギャラクシー(Thorco Shipping A/S)、1万3800重量㌧、本田重工業(Honda Heavy Industries)で2008年に竣工)が、南アフリカの喜望峰沖で座礁してから約1カ月が経過した。
南アフリカ海事安全局(The South African Maritime Safety Authority 、SAMSA)は8日、事故発生から約1カ月が経過した今週に入り南アフリカ沿岸で油の回収が続く「ウルトラギャラクシー」事故状況について、事故発生から現在までの状況について公表した。(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

英船舶評価大手ベッセルズバリュー(VesselsValue)によると、座礁したウルトラギャラクシーの登録所有者は「Fujita Shoji KK」(本社・徳島県美馬市)。Fujita Shoji KKは外航船を他に1隻保有、多目的船「BBC Rainbow」(1万8000重量㌧、2010年に竣工)をドイツの多目的船運航大手BBCチャータリングに用船貸し出ししている。


SAMSAのチーフ・オペレーション・オフィサー(COO)であるソバントゥ・ティライ(Sobantu Tilayi)氏は、同船が座礁した沿岸で行われた国内メディアへのブリーフィングで、「国際的な海事法および規制の観点から、同船の座礁の原因を調査する義務は、同船の登録国であるパナマにあり、SAMSAは必要かつ要求される場合にのみ、そのような支援を提供する」と説明した。
ウルトラギャラクシーの座礁原因の調査が正式に開始され、サルベージ・マスターのルドルフ・パント(Rudolph Punt)氏率いるスミット・サルベージ・サウスアフリカ(Smit Salvage South Africa)のサルベージ・チームは、座礁した船舶の下側タンク内の低硫黄燃料と油の存在を完全に確認できるよう、少なくとも1週間以上の好天が必要だと指摘している。



南アフリカの沿岸地域の1キロメートルあまりに、何トンもの油と海洋燃料が付着していたため、スピル・テック(Spill Tech)社の環境浄化チームは、座礁した船舶の残骸と流出した燃料や油の場所を特定し、除去することで手一杯だったと、同社の環境担当ディレクター、ガレス・グーセン氏は金曜日に確認した。





皮肉なことに、”どんな暗雲にも明るい兆しがある “という格言の通り、ン・ゲマ氏は、現在スピル・テック社が清掃作業に従事しているすべての人々、特に若者たちは失業中であると述べた。


南アフリカの西海岸、ケープ岬から北西に300kmほど離れた辺境の地で座礁した船舶が現在対処しているような海難事故に関して、「最悪のシナリオというものは存在しない」と、船主の保険会社代表で「ツーオーシャンズ・P&I・コレスポンデンツ」(2Oceans P&I Correspondents)のマネージング・ディレクター、マイケル・ヘッズ(Michael Heads)氏は述べた。


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