〆Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Installs for the first time globally, Rotor Sails on 200,000 DWT Bulk Carrier

On August 20, 2024, MOL and Vale International SA, a leading Brazilian resources company, announced that two Norsepower rotor sails had been installed on a 200,000 DWT bulk carrier transporting iron ore for Vale. The vessel equipped with these rotor sails is the Newcastlemax bulk carrier “Camellia Dream.” According to Vessels Value, a UK-based ship valuation company, the Camellia Dream (207,500 DWT) is owned and operated by MOL and was built by Imabari Shipbuilding in 2014.
(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Vale International SA, Norsepower

This groundbreaking initiative involves the installation of two Norsepower rotor sails, each 35 meters in height and 5 meters in diameter, on the Camellia Dream. This marks the first time rotor sails have been fitted on a large Capesize bulk carrier. The combination of rotor sails and a voyage optimization system is expected to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 6–10% on average per voyage, contributing to lower environmental impact.

The MOL Group aims to reduce GHG emissions from its fleet and contribute to the broader societal goals of low and zero carbon by managing and operating its environmentally friendly fleet equipped with wind-assisted propulsion technologies like rotor sails and Wind Challenger.

On the other hand, Vale is strengthening its support for achieving the decarbonization targets set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). In alignment with the Paris Agreement, Vale is committed to reducing Scope 3 emissions by 15% by 2035 across its supply chain. Additionally, Vale is focused on adopting advanced technologies and modern eco-friendly vessels, collaborating with shipowners on environmental initiatives. Since 2018, Vale has been proactively incorporating various energy-saving technologies, including rotor sails and next-generation decarbonized fuels, into its operations, particularly on second-generation 400,000-ton and 325,000-ton very large ore carriers (VLOCs).

MOL, in collaboration with Vale, stressed that remains committed to achieving both stable iron ore transportation and GHG reduction, thereby contributing to the decarbonization of society as a whole.

■Vale International SA
Vale is one of the world’s largest producers of iron ore and nickel and a major producer of copper. Headquartered in Brazil, the company operates globally with an integrated logistics system that includes approximately 2,000 kilometers of railways, maritime terminals, and 10 ports distributed worldwide. Vale strives to be recognized by society as a benchmark for safety, a class-leading reliable operator, a people-driven organization, a leader in sustainable mining, and a benchmark for value creation and sharing.

Norsepower is a Finnish cleantech and engineering company that is a pioneer in modern auxiliary wind propulsion. Norsepower’s Rotor Sail™ has been in use by customers for over a decade and has been installed on various types of vessels, including tankers, LCO2 carriers, bulk carriers, Ro-Ro vessels, and Ro-Pax vessels. The installation base is expected to more than double within the next 12 months. The performance of the Norsepower Rotor Sail™ has been verified by multiple independent third-party entities, and it is considered one of the most prominent existing solutions for significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions in shipping.

〆商船三井は自社保有の20万重量㌧型バルカーにローターセイル(Rotor Sai)を搭載した。ケープサイズ級の大型バルカーにローターセイルを搭載するのは世界初の試みである。

商船三井は2024年8月20日、商船三井とブラジル資源大手ヴァーレ(Vale International SA)は、ヴァーレの鉄鉱石を輸送している20万重量トン型バルカーにノースパワー・ローターセイル(Norsepower Rotor Sai)2基を搭載したと発表した。
搭載したのはニューカッスル型バルカー「Camellia Dream」である。英船価鑑定のVessels ValueによるとCamellia Dream(20万7500重量㌧)は商船三井が保有、運航するバルカーで2014年に今治造船で竣工した。
(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)



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