〆Breaking News

〆The U.S. State Department has issued an emergency statement, warning of the potential for a massive oil spill following a bombing attack on the tanker “Sounion” by Houthi forces, which could lead to the release of one million barrels of crude oil.

On 24th August 2024, local time, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller announced concerns that the Suezmax-class tanker “Sounion” had been targeted in a bombing attack by Houthi forces, raising fears of a significant oil spill. According to the State Department, the volume of oil at risk from this incident could be four times greater than that of the Exxon Valdez disaster. Although the crew managed to evacuate safely, the Sounion is currently anchored between Yemen and Eritrea.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)


Photo courtesy=Delta Tankers

The Sounion was attacked by multiple missiles off the coast of the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah. Local reports also suggest that the attack may have involved drones. The Sounion, a Suezmax-class tanker with a deadweight tonnage of 163,800, was built in 2006 by Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries in South Korea. It is owned and operated by Greek shipping giant Delta Tankers. According to the Greek Ministry of Shipping, the Sounion was carrying a crew of 23 Filipinos and two Russians and was en route from Iraq to Agioi Theodoroi in Greece.

Delta Tankers owns a fleet of 29 tankers, including five VLCCs, 23 Suezmax tankers, and one Aframax tanker, according to the UK-based maritime valuation firm VesselsValue. The Sounion is registered under the Greek flag.

The Sounion is believed to be the third tanker operated by the Athens-based Delta Tankers to be attacked in the Red Sea this month. The attack caused a fire onboard the Sounion, which was extinguished by the crew, according to a statement from Delta Tankers. The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) reported that the explosion disabled the ship’s engine. Reuters quoted sources confirming that the Sounion is currently anchored between Yemen and Eritrea.

The U.S. State Department has expressed concerns that the Houthi attack on the tanker in the Red Sea could lead to severe environmental pollution.

The statement from the U.S. State Department is as follows:

“The United States is gravely concerned by the Houthis’ attacks against the oil tanker MT DELTA SOUNION.  The Houthis’ continued attacks threaten to spill a million barrels of oil into the Red Sea, an amount four times the size of the Exxon Valdez disaster.  While the crew has been evacuated, the Houthis appear determined to sink the ship and its cargo into the sea.”

“Through these attacks, the Houthis have made clear they are willing to destroy the fishing industry and regional ecosystems that Yemenis and other communities in the region rely on for their livelihoods, just as they have undermined the delivery of vital humanitarian aid to the region through their reckless attacks.  We call on the Houthis to cease these actions immediately and urge other nations to step forward to help avert this environmental disaster.”

〆Breaking News,

〆米国務省(U.S.department states)が緊急声明を発表した。フーシ派によるタンカー「ソウニオン」への爆破攻撃で100万バレルの原油流出の危険を示唆した。


(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=associated press


Sounionは163,800 DWTのスエズマックス型タンカーで、2006年に韓国の現代三湖重工業(Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries)で建造された。

ギリシャ海運大手のDelta Tankersが保有、運航している。ギリシャの海運省によると、Sounionはロシア人2人とフィリピン人23人の乗組員を乗せ、イラクからギリシャのアギオス・テオドロイへ向かって航行していたとしている。

 英船価鑑定大手のVesselsValueによるとDelta TankersはVLCC5隻、スエズマックス23隻、アフラマックス1隻の合計29隻のタンカーを保有している。 Sounionはギリシャ船籍のタンカーである。







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