〆Gold Standard Unveils Two New Emission Reduction Methodologies for Shipping

Gold Standard has announced two new methodologies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the shipping industry.

These methodologies, titled “Methodology for the Reduction of Methane Emissions from Internal Combustion Engine Exhausts” and “Methodology for Marine Fuels and Bio-Bunkers,” represent a significant advancement in the pursuit of cleaner and more sustainable shipping practices.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy of: Gold Standard, Alcom, Daphne Technology, The FReMCo Group.

Gold Standard is an international benchmark designed to assess the positive environmental and social impacts of corporate sustainability projects, providing evidence of their effectiveness. In the carbon credit market, it guarantees the “quality” of the CO2 reduction value of the credits.

Gold Standard, an international benchmark for evaluating the positive environmental and social impacts of corporate sustainability projects, has launched two new methodologies that are now available to all project developers to help reduce the impact of global shipping, which, while vital to world trade, accounts for approximately 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In the carbon credit market, Gold Standard assures the “quality” of the CO2 reduction value of the credits.

■Gold Standard

Margaret Kim, CEO of Gold Standard, stated:

“These new methodologies provide tangible incentives for the shipping sector, which is crucial to global trade, to invest in green technologies and operations.”

These new methodologies complement Gold Standard’s existing strategy to enhance sustainability in the shipping industry. Among them is the “Methodology for Energy Efficiency Measures in Maritime Retrofits,” which focuses on upgrading ships to improve energy efficiency. Additionally, there is the “Methodology for Emission Reductions through Shore or Offshore Power Supply Systems,” which promotes the use of grid electricity and renewable energy for powering ships at ports or offshore.

By integrating these methodologies, Gold Standard has successfully outlined a path toward a cleaner and more sustainable shipping industry.

The “Methodology for Marine Fuels and Bio-Bunkers,” developed by Alcom, aims to promote the use of alternative fuels with a lower environmental impact. This methodology establishes best practices for adopting and using bio-bunkers and other sustainable marine fuels, helping to reduce reliance on traditional fossil fuels. By encouraging the use of biofuels derived from waste, such as used cooking oil, it facilitates the use of waste-based biofuels, significantly reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


Prateek Tiwari, CEO of Alcom, stated: 

“Decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors like shipping cannot be achieved solely by relying on government subsidies or imposing strict penalties, as stakeholders often find loopholes that undermine these systems’ goals.”

“We are delighted that Alcom and Gold Standard have jointly developed a methodology for high-quality marine bio-bunker credits. This addresses the question of who pays the ‘green premium’ for low-carbon fuels from the perspective of shipowners. Our methodology strictly adheres to rules regarding sustainability and traceability, covering emissions from ‘crude to consumption.’ It is expected to revolutionize the decarbonization of the shipping industry by generating and monetizing credits globally while operating alongside existing maritime rules, such as those of the EU Maritime or IMO. To ensure full transparency, price discovery will be conducted by major price reporting agencies, and credits will be traded on leading carbon exchanges.”

■Daphne Technology and The FReMCo Group

The “Methodology for the Reduction of Methane Emissions from Internal Combustion Engine Exhausts,” developed in partnership with Daphne Technology and The FReMCo Group, aims to curb emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This methodology encourages the use of equipment that reduces the amount of unburned methane escaping from both marine and land-based stationary internal combustion engines that use natural gas or other methane-rich fuels, including those derived from renewable resources. It mandates high-precision real-time measurement for monitoring and verification after reduction and is designed to be applicable to both maritime and land-based stationary internal combustion engines, maximizing its impact.

Dr. Mario Michan, CEO and Founder of Daphne Technology, commented: 

“We are proud to lead the forefront of methane emission reduction with this innovative methodology. Methane is a major contributor to global warming, and our approach not only curbs these emissions but also supports the industry’s transition to more sustainable practices. As a leader in climate deep-tech, it is only natural for us to drive this direction and ensure a strategy for a better future.”

Alison Morris, Vice President of The FReMCo Group, added: 

“We are thrilled that this cutting-edge methodology has been approved by Gold Standard. It addresses a timely and critical issue of methane emissions. Our collaboration with Daphne has been an outstanding experience, and their passion and knowledge in this field are unparalleled. We expect that the projects and carbon credits following this approval will be unique and valuable in the voluntary carbon market.”

Gold Standard establishes standards and designs methodologies to measure the impact of projects aimed at mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development, using the power of financial markets. The organization provides criteria to support the issuance of carbon credits and other financial tools, focusing on impact rather than relying on specific mechanisms.

〆ゴールドスタンダード(Gold Standard)は海運のための2つの新しい排出削減方法論を発表した。



(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy= Gold Standard、Alcom、Daphne Technology、The FReMCo Group

Gold Standardは、企業の持続可能プロジェクト等が環境と社会に良い影響をもたらすかを評価し、その効果を証明するための国際的な基準のひとつである。カーボンクレジット取引においては、クレジットのCO2削減価値の「質」を保証する。


ゴールドスタンダードCEOのマーガレット・キム(Margaret Kim, Gold Standard CEO)氏は次のように述べる。 





Alcom社CEOのプラティーク・ティワリ(Prateek Tiwari, Alcom CEO)氏は次のように述べている: 



「内燃機関の排気からのメタン排出削減のための方法論」は、Daphne Technology社とThe FReMCo Groupとのパートナーシップで開発され、強力な温室効果ガスであるメタン排出を抑制することを目的としている。これは、天然ガスやその他のメタン豊富な燃料(再生可能な資源から得られるものを含む)を使用する海洋および陸上の固定内燃機関の両方から未燃焼のまま逃げるメタンの量を減らす機器の使用を奨励する。この方法論は、減少後の監視と検証のために高精度のリアルタイム測定を義務付けており、海上および陸上の固定内燃機関の両方で使用できるように設計されており、その影響を最大化する。

Daphne Technology社のCEO兼創設者であるマリオ・ミチャン博士(Dr. Mario Michan, CEO and Founder of Daphne Technology)は次のように述べる:


FReMCo社の副社長であるアリソン・モリス(Alison Morris, Vice President of FReMCo)氏は次のように述べている 


Gold Standardは、金融市場の力を活用して、気候変動の抑制と持続可能な開発を目的としたプロジェクトの影響を信頼性高く測定するための基準を設定し、方法論を設計する。同社は特定のメカニズムに依存せず、影響に焦点を当てることで、カーボンクレジットやその他の金融ツールの発行をサポートできる基準を提供する。


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