〆Military Ship and Anchor Handler Begin Salvage Operation for attacked by Houthis Tanker “Sounion”

The warship from EUNAVFOR ASPIDES (European Union Naval Force ASPIDES) and the anchor handler “Aigaion Pelagos” began operations on the 14th to tow the tanker “Sounion,” which has caught fire.

According to EUNAVFOR ASPIDES, the “Sounion” poses a significant environmental threat in the Red Sea due to its inability to navigate while still carrying crude oil in its cargo holds. Consequently, on 14th September 2024, EUNAVFOR ASPIDES provided naval protection to the AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessel) “Aigaion Pelagos,” operated by the Greek towing company Megatugs Salvage & Towage, which has now commenced the towing operation.

As reported by the Greek state news agency ANA-MPA, “three frigates, helicopters, and special forces” have been involved in the rescue operation, which includes the “Aigaion Pelagos.” This marks the second attempt to tow the stricken tanker.

(Article by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy: EUNAVFOR ASPIDES, Megatugs Salvage & Towage


■UN Reaches Agreement for Rescue Operations in Red Sea

On September 11, 2024, the United Nations announced that the Houthi forces had agreed to permit tugboats and rescue ships to assist the damaged vessel in the Red Sea. The first rescue attempt, which took place in early September, had been halted due to safety concerns.

According to a source from the Greek Ministry of National Defence speaking to AFP, the Greek-flagged tugboat “Aigaion Pelagos” has “begun gradually towing the tanker northward under the escort of warships.”

Satellite images analyzed by the Associated Press confirmed the presence of three rescue vessels near the “Sounion,” along with warships in close proximity. The operation is believed to be complicated by extreme conditions, with temperatures reaching 400 degrees Celsius (750 degrees Fahrenheit) due to the fire. However, the Greek state news agency ANA-MPA reported that the specialized rescue team has successfully secured the tanker to the “Aigaion Pelagos” during this latest attempt.

■EUNAVFOR ASPIDES: Protecting Freedom of Navigation and Maritime Security

EUNAVFOR ASPIDES is a European Union military operation under the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Its mission is to protect freedom of navigation and ensure maritime security in the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Gulf region, particularly focusing on safeguarding commercial vessels. The operation’s defensive tasks include providing maritime situational awareness, escorting ships, and offering protection against multi-domain threats at sea.

On August 22, 2024, the Houthi forces in Yemen attacked and detonated the Suezmax tanker “Sounion” (163,800 DWT), owned by the Greek company Delta Tankers. The tanker, built in 2006 by Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries in South Korea, suffered extensive damage.

On August 30, 2024, the Houthis released footage of the attack on the “Sounion.” The video shows Houthi forces re-boarding the burning tanker and placing additional explosives. The footage captured a second explosion, which blew away the ship’s bridge and triggered further explosions at seven or eight locations on the deck.

Maritime experts have struggled to explain why the Houthis targeted the Delta Tankers vessel. However, the Houthis have cited a potential reason, stating that the attack was in response to the vessel allegedly violating a ban on entering “ports in occupied Palestine.”

According to local reports, the “Sounion” was carrying 1.1 million barrels of Iraqi crude oil. The U.S. State Department has expressed concern that the potential oil spill could reach four times the volume of the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989, which released 240,000 barrels.

The Greek Ministry of Shipping reported that the vessel had a crew of 25, including two Russians and 23 Filipinos, and was en route from Iraq to Agios Theodoroi in Greece.

On August 24, 2024, U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller warned of the risk of a spill of one million barrels of crude oil due to the Houthi attack on the “Sounion.” The State Department highlighted that the potential volume of the spill could be equivalent to four times the Exxon Valdez disaster, raising significant environmental concerns.



Classification       Bureau Veritas Hull Mach, Anchor Handling Tug Supply, Salvage, Oil Recovery Ship, FIFI I – Water Spray, Unrestricted navigation, Salvage tug, DP 2, BWT

IMO Number       9477012

Flag/Port of Registry          Greek, Piraeus

Year Built             2010, Remontowa, Poland


Length Overall    70 m

Breadth 15.5 m

GRT-NRT           2301/690

Depth Moulded   6.6 m

Maximum Draft   5.1 m

Clear Deck Space 415 m2 (34.6 x 12)

Maximum Deck Load        1000 t

Max Speed           15 kn

Econ.Speed         10 kn

Bollard Pull         120 t

Sewage Plant       MARPOL compliant, 28 persons

Rudders Twin

Joystick  Fitted

〆炎上中のタンカー「スニオン」の曳航作業のためユー・ナヴフォー アスピデス(EUNAVFOR ASPIDES)の軍艦とアンカーハンドラー「アイガイオン・ペラゴス」(AIGAION PELAGOS)が14日から作業に入った。

ユー・ナヴフォー アスピデス(EUNAVFOR ASPIDES、欧州連合海軍作戦ASPIDES)によると、SOUNIONは原油を貨物ホールドに残しながら航行不能のため、紅海で重大な環境上の脅威となっている。このため、2024年9月14日、EUNAVFOR ASPIDESが軍艦の護衛を付けることで、ギリシャのタグボート会社目メガタグス サルベージ アンド トウエイジ(Megatugs Salvage & Towage)が運航するAHTSアイガイオン・ペラゴス(AIGAION PELAGOS)が曳航を開始した模様だ。ギリシャの国営通信ANA-MPAによると、「3隻のフリゲート艦、ヘリコプター、および特殊部隊」が救助作業に関与しており、その中にはアイガイオン・ペラゴス(AIGAION PELAGO)も含まれていた。今回のタグボートでの曳航の試みは、2回目のトライアルとなる。

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy: EUNAVFOR ASPIDES, Megatugs Salvage & Towage






 EUNAVFOR ASPIDESは、欧州連合の共通安全保障防衛政策(CSDP)の下、紅海、インド洋、および湾岸地域における航行の自由の保護と海上の安全確保、特に商船や商業船舶の保護に貢献するEUの軍事作戦である。」

EUNAVFOR ASPIDESの防御的な任務には、海上の状況認識を提供し、船舶を護衛し、海上での複数領域からの攻撃に対する保護を行う。





 現地報道によると、スニオンは110万バレルのイラク産原油を積載しており、米国務省はエクソン・バルディーズ(Exxon Valdez)の原油流出事故(1989年)での流出量24万バレルの4倍に達する懸念があるとしている。




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