〆NYK Line’s President, Takaya Soga, participated in a high-level conference in New York, USA, where global corporate leaders gathered to discuss concrete actions for addressing climate change.

President Soga attended the annual meeting of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) held on September 22 and 23, 2024, in New York. The event brought together top executives from global corporations to engage in discussions on specific measures to combat climate change.

This Council Meeting was aligned with Climate Week, which occurred during the same period. Climate Week is one of the world’s largest events following the UN Climate Change Conference, providing a platform for business leaders and experts worldwide to discuss solutions for achieving a carbon-neutral society.

Photo courtesy=NYK Line,WBCSD

During the meeting, President Soga emphasized that “without decarbonizing the logistics sector, achieving carbon neutrality across all industries will be extremely difficult.” His participation provided a valuable opportunity to strongly advocate NYK Line’s stance on the matter.

The discussions at the WBCSD focused on enhancing collaboration between companies across industries and developing new mechanisms and strategies to promote transformative business models. In addition to detailing transition plans, the meeting also explored innovative approaches for managing climate impacts across the entire supply chain and business operations.

NYK Line views President Soga’s participation in this event as a key opportunity to showcase the company’s international leadership in climate change initiatives and further strengthen its long-term growth and competitiveness.

〆日本郵船(NYK Line)の曽我貴也社長(President, Takaya Soga)は米NYでグローバル企業トップが気候変動対応など具体的な取り組みについて議論する会議に参加した。

日本郵船(NYK Line)の曽我貴也社長(President, Takaya Soga)は、2024年9月22日と23日に米国ニューヨークで開催されたWBCSD(World Business Council for Sustainable Development、持続可能な開発のための世界経済人会議)の総会(カウンシル・ミーティング)に出席した。グローバル企業トップが集まり、気候変動対応に関する具体的な取り組みについて議論が行われた。

このカウンシル・ミーティングは、同時期に開催されたClimate Weekに合わせて開催され、気候危機に対する具体的なアクションや、持続可能なビジネスの実現に向けた方策が話し合われた。Climate Weekは、国連気候変動会議に続く世界最大級のイベントであり、世界中のビジネスリーダーや専門家が脱炭素社会の実現に向けたソリューションを議論する場である。

曽我社長(President Soga)は、世界の主要なグローバル企業トップに対し、「物流の脱炭素化なしには、全ての産業でのカーボンニュートラル達成は困難である」と述べ、日本郵船の主張を強く発信する貴重な機会を得た。




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