〆IINO LINES has decided to invest in a fund managed by Singapore-based maritime venture capital firm Motion Ventures

IINO LINES (Head Office: Chiyoda, Tokyo) has announced its decision to invest in a venture capital fund managed by Singapore-based maritime-focused VC, Motion Ventures. The shipping company aims to support tech startups that are driving digital transformation and energy transition within the maritime industry.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy= IINO LINES, Motion Ventures

Motion Ventures is a specialized maritime venture capital firm that manages and operates funds investing in the transportation, logistics, and supply chain sectors, particularly within the maritime industry. Leveraging its strong network and strategic location in Singapore, a global maritime hub, the firm prides itself on its deep connections with industry practitioners.

In a statement regarding the investment, IINO LINES commented: “We aim to identify and harness advanced technologies to improve operational efficiency, strengthen existing businesses, and foster new business creation through open innovation with startups.”

IINO LINES has placed strategic resource allocation to growth businesses at the core of its mid-term management plan, ‘The Adventure to Our Sustainable Future’. The company has been ramping up strategic investments that enhance competitiveness and generate synergies. Open innovation with startups has been a key focus for IINO LINES as it tackles challenges faced by the maritime industry.

The company has also invested in TMV, a New York-based venture capital firm. This latest investment marks IINO LINES’ third investment in an overseas maritime venture capital fund, following a similar investment made last year.

〆飯野海運(IINO LINES)はシンガポールの海事ベンチャーキャピタル Motion Ventures が運用管理するファンドへ出資を決めた。

飯野海運(IINO LINES、本社・東京千代田区)は、シンガポールの海事ベンチャーキャピタル(VC)「モーションベンチャーズ(Motion Ventures)」が運用管理するファンドへの出資を決定した。飯野海運は海運業界のデジタル化とエネルギー転換を目的にテクノロジー系スタートアップを支援する。




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