〆JERA Global Markets Secures USD 1.495 Billion Syndicated Revolving Credit Facility

JERA Global Markets, headquartered in Singapore, has successfully closed a USD 1.495 billion syndicated revolving credit facility (RCF). The facility, established following the success of last year’s RCF, far exceeded the initial target of USD 900 million, with subscriptions reaching over 180% of the original amount. JERA Global Markets adjusted the lenders’ commitments, accordingly, bringing the total number of participating financial institutions to 30, 10 of which are new lenders.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy of JERA Global Markets

An RCF is a type of financial arrangement that allows a company to draw down or repay loans within a predetermined period and credit limit. In return for a fee, the lender sets a specified term and maximum loan amount, providing the borrower with the right to access the funds as needed, while obligating the lender to provide financing up to the agreed limit.

This latest facility will be utilized as general corporate funding, including support for JERA Global Markets’ global LNG trading business, which encompasses a diverse portfolio. The initial target of USD 900 million was significantly exceeded, with subscriptions reaching over 180% of the original amount. JERA Global Markets adjusted the lenders’ commitments accordingly, bringing the total number of participating financial institutions to 30, of which 10 are new lenders.

Commenting on the RCF, Justin Rowland, CEO of JERA Global Markets, stated: “This facility strengthens our ability to pursue strategic growth initiatives while continuing to deliver solid shareholder returns. The commitment from 30 financial institutions reflects the robust relationship JERA Global Markets has with our financial partners, both regionally and in the Middle East.”

JERA Global Markets appointed Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) Singapore Branch, DBS Bank, First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC, Mizuho Bank, and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC) as Active Mandated Lead Arrangers and Bookrunners. Natixis Singapore Branch served as Facility Agent, while DBS Bank acted as Coordinator for the transaction.

■About JERA Global Markets

JERA Global Markets (JERAGM) is a leading seaborne energy trading company backed by major utility firms. It is a joint venture between JERA Co., Inc., its principal shareholder, and EDF Trading, both of which are among the world’s largest utility companies.

JERAGM operates one of the world’s largest energy portfolios and has a deep understanding of regional, domestic, and international energy markets. Headquartered in Singapore, it has approximately 300 global employees across its four strategic locations: Tokyo (Japan), London (UK), and Houston (USA).

With a paid-up capital exceeding USD 500 million and a total capital of USD 4 billion, JERAGM maintains a solid business model and strong financial foundation, holding an A+ (Stable) credit rating from R&I.

〆JERA Global Markets、14億9500万米ドルのシンジケート型リボルビング・クレジット・ファシリティを確保。

JERA Global Markets(本社・シンガポール)は、14億9,500万米ドルのシンジケート型リボルビング・クレジット・ファシリティ(RCF)が完了したと発表しました。このファシリティは、昨年のRCFの成功を受けて設定され、初回募集額の9億米ドルを大幅に上回り、180%を超える申し込みがあった。JERA Global Marketsは貸し手のコミットメントを調整し、最終的に30の金融機関が参加。そのうち10行は新規の貸し手である。

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy= JERA Global Markets


今回のRCFは、JERA Global Marketsが多様なポートフォリオを展開しているグローバルLNG(液化天然ガス)取引事業を含む、一般的な企業運営資金として利用される予定である。

JERA Global MarketsのCEOであるジャスティン・ローランド氏は今回のRCF組成について次のようにコメントした。

「このファシリティは、堅実な株主利益を提供し続けるとともに、戦略的成長の取り組みを追求する能力をさらに強化するものである」「30行からのコミットメントは、JERA Global Marketsの地域および中東を含む金融パートナーとの強力な関係を反映している」

JERA Global Marketsは、オーストラリア・ニュージーランド銀行シンガポール支店、DBS銀行、ファースト・アブダビ銀行PJSC、みずほ銀行、およびオーバーシー・チャイニーズ銀行(OCBC)を主要幹事(アクティブ・マンダテッド・リード・アレンジャー)および簿記管理人に指名した。ナティクシス・シンガポール支店がファシリティ・エージェントを務め、DBS銀行が取引のコーディネーターを担当した。

■ JERA Global Markets

JERA Global Markets(JERAGM)は、大手公共事業会社の支援を受けた海上エネルギー取引のリーディングカンパニー。JERA Co., Inc.(筆頭株主)とEDF Tradingの合弁会社であり、両社は世界有数の公共事業会社である。




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