〆President Takaya Soga of NYK Line stated that the company plans to accelerate its investments in new fuel vessels after 2027.

〆TradeWinds held the “Shipowners Forum, Tokyo 2024” on October 15 at the Conrad Tokyo.

TradeWinds, one of the world’s leading maritime publications, positioned the conference under the theme of “Maritime Japan and the New Growth Era,” gathering key players from Japan and abroad, including shipping companies, shipowners, financial institutions, marine insurers, and brokers. President Soga of NYK Line appeared in the main dialogue with TradeWinds Editor-in-Chief Julian Bray.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=TradeWinds, JMD

In the discussion, President Soga highlighted environmental issues as the biggest challenge facing the shipping industry. While NYK Line plans to invest around 1.2 trillion yen by 2026, he noted, “Investments after 2027 will further increase,” indicating the company’s intention to accelerate environmental-related investments to meet customer demands.

At the beginning of the conversation, Editor-in-Chief Julian Bray quoted a message from President Soga addressed to his employees, and the two began their discussion in a relaxed atmosphere.

When asked by Editor-in-Chief Bray, “What is the biggest issue facing the shipping industry?” President Soga responded, “The biggest challenge is addressing environmental issues.”

Furthermore, President Soga stated, “Although we are currently continuing investments in new fuels, the commercialization of ammonia-fueled vessels around 2030 will lead to a significant increase in investments after 2027 compared to before.”

Julian Bray then asked why NYK Line handles a variety of vessel types, while many foreign shipping companies specialize in specific vessel types. In response, President Soga explained, “As a social infrastructure company, shipping addresses the logistics needs of customers in various sectors. The diversification of vessel types also serves as a form of risk hedging.”

Regarding the company’s stock price, he commented, “NYK Line has garnered attention in the stock market due to its profit growth over the past two to three years. In addition to significant improvements in our financial structure, our advanced initiatives towards decarbonization have been highly evaluated. It is important to continue dialogue with investors moving forward.”

President Soga also emphasized the importance of employees, stating, “Like shareholders, employees are extremely important to the company.” At the beginning of the dialogue, President Soga touched on well-being and the role of shipping as public infrastructure, leaving the audience with the impression that NYK Line is a company that broadly contributes to society.

〆日本郵船(NYK Line)の曽我貴也社長(Takaya Soga)は、2027年以降に新燃料船への投資を加速すると述べた。 

〆TradeWindsは、10月15日にコンラッド東京で「シップオーナーズ・フォーラム東京2024」(Shipowners Forum, Tokyo 2024)を開催した。

世界を代表する海運専門新聞であるTradeWindsは、今回のカンファレンスのテーマを「海運国・日本と新たな成長時代」(Maritime Japan and the New Growth Era)と位置付け、日本や海外を代表する海運会社、船主、金融機関、船舶保険、ブローカーが集結した。日本郵船の曽我貴也社長は、TradeWindsのジュリアン・ブレイ編集長(Julian Bray)とメイン対談に登壇した。







株価について「日本郵船は、最近2〜3年間の利益増加により株式市場でも注目されるようになった。財務体質が大幅に改善したことに加え、脱炭素に向けた先進的な取り組みが評価されている。今後も投資家との対話を続けていくことが必要だ」と述べた。 曽我社長は社員について「株主と同様に、社員は会社にとって非常に重要な存在だ」と語った。曽我社長は対談の冒頭でウェルビーイングや公共インフラとしての海運の役割についても言及し、日本郵船が社会に広く貢献する企業であることを聴衆に印象づけた。


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