“Unusual Ship Congestion at the Atlantic Side of the Panama Canal and a 10-20% Toll Increase”

I present an insightful analysis of the Panama Canal’s current situation by Ami Daniel, co-founder and CEO of maritime data company Windward.


Recently, the Panama Canal has been making headlines. On December 22, 2024, the incoming U.S. President Donald Trump, who won the election, made a statement requesting a reduction in toll fees and suggested the possibility of the U.S. reclaiming control over the Panama Canal. This has added further uncertainty to the canal’s operations. Meanwhile, the Panama Canal Authority has actually increased toll fees, limited passage slots, and is managing water levels, resulting in longer waiting times for vessels at anchorages.

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=Ami Daniel, Windward, Panama Canal

According to maritime analysis firm Windward, from December 22 to 29, 2024, there was an abnormal increase in the number of vessels at anchor on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal. Normally, there are about five ships anchored in this area, but during this week, the number of vessels surged to 11, marking a 120% increase. This unusual rise indicates significant disruptions in the usual flow of canal operations.

Main Causes of the Congestion

The causes of this congestion are multifaceted.

First, the impact of drought has led to operational restrictions on the Panama Canal, significantly reducing daily passage slots. The toll fee hikes have further exacerbated the backlog of vessels waiting to transit the canal. It is also possible that many ships rushed to pass through before the toll increase took effect.

Throughout 2024, daily passage slots fluctuated, but by mid-year, the slots increased to 36 per day, showing some improvement. However, starting in January 2025, passage restrictions are set to tighten further, reducing the daily slots to 10, with penalties for vessels without reservations. Additionally, toll fees are set to increase by 10% to 20%:

  • Panamax vessels: From the current $41,000 to $50,000.
  • Neo-Panamax vessels: From the current $80,000 to $100,000.

Impact on Global Shipping

Such congestion could have serious consequences for the global supply chain.

In particular, delays at the Panama Canal could increase the cost of transporting goods between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, leading to higher global shipping costs and potential disruptions in supply networks.

Mr. Ami Daniel is an Ex naval officer. Passionate about the sea. Built multiple social award winning social projects. Co-founded Windward in 2010, raising almost $85m to date . Took it public in London in December 2021. Chosen twice to 40/40 in israel by The Marker and Calcalist and to the top 100 Tech Leaders you should know by the WSJ in 2022. Speaks regularly on top tier venues in regards to trading , shipping , ocean freight , maritime security and sanctions compliance . Member of the Forbes Technology Council.


海事データ企業Windward(ウィンドワード)の共同設立者兼CEOであるアミ・ダニエル(Ami Daniel)氏が、パナマ運河の動向について深い考察を行っている。Source=https://www.linkedin.com/posts/amidaniel_unusual-vessel-congestion-at-panama-canals-activity-7281980330876493824-hrGw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios


最近、パナマ運河に関する報道が増加している。2024年12月22日、次期大統領となるドナルド・トランプ氏が運河の通行料引き下げを求め、米国によるパナマ運河の再取得の可能性に言及したことで、運河の運営に不確実性が生じている。また、パナマ運河庁(Canal de Panamá Authority)は実際に通行料を引き上げ、通行枠を制限し、水位管理を行っている。これにより、停泊地での待機時間が延びている。





  • Panamax vessels: From the current $41,000 to $50,000.
  • Neo-Panamax vessels: From the current $80,000 to $100,000.


アミ・ダニエル氏は元海軍士官で、海に情熱を持っています。複数の受賞歴がある社会貢献プロジェクトを立ち上げ、2010年にWindwardを共同設立し、現在までに約8500万ドルを調達しています。2021年12月にWindwardをロンドンで上場させました。The MarkerとCalcalistによって2度、イスラエルの40/40に選ばれ、2022年にはWSJにより「知っておくべき100人のテクノロジーリーダー」に選ばれました。取引、海運、海上貨物、海上セキュリティ、制裁コンプライアンスに関するトピックで、トップクラスの会場で定期的に講演を行っています。Forbes Technology Councilのメンバーです。


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