The year 2024 was marked by deepening confusion across natural, political, and economic spheres, with extreme weather events, geopolitical conflicts, and leadership changes in major countries. Amidst this turbulence, NYK Group managed to achieve solid financial performance, forecasting an ordinary profit of 410 billion yen. In his New Year address, NYK President Takaya Soga expressed gratitude and respect for the unwavering efforts of each employee, which contributed to the company’s success.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy=NYK
Looking ahead to the global economy in 2025, President Soga projected that the U.S. economy would continue on a growth trajectory. He noted that as long as the economy remains robust under President Trump, demand for transportation will be sustained. Additionally, he analysed that deregulation policies could generate additional demand for resource transportation. On the Russia-Ukraine issue, he expressed hope that progress toward peace would spark reconstruction demand in Ukraine, presenting new business opportunities for the company.
President Soga also highlighted concerns regarding President Trump’s immigration policy. He warned that if the influx of three million immigrants is restricted, it could lead to a labour shortage and reduced purchasing power in the U.S., potentially harming the economy. He emphasised the importance of closely monitoring policy trends and adjusting business strategies flexibly.
Furthermore, Soga touched on the export expansion policies of China, economic disparities within the EU, and the growth prospects of India and Africa. He stressed the importance of identifying the values sought by each country, seizing business opportunities, and pursuing business expansion.
Environmental initiatives remain a key focus for NYK. The company’s consideration of LNG-fuelled car carriers dates back to 2016, a time when global average temperatures had risen by one degree since the Industrial Revolution, and abnormal weather patterns were becoming evident in Japan. Although introducing LNG-fuelled vessels entails a 20% increase in construction costs and reduces CO₂ emissions by only about 30%, Soga’s strong determination to reduce CO₂ emissions as early as possible led the company to take the industry’s pioneering step toward adopting these vessels, ultimately shifting the industry’s direction.
NYK aims to reduce CO₂ emissions by 45% by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Soga emphasised that this initiative is not driven by societal demands but by the need to address the abnormal weather events affecting their immediate surroundings. He underscored the importance of each employee taking decarbonisation efforts personally.
The 2025 fiscal year marks the third year of NYK’s current medium-term management plan. President Soga is determined to vigorously promote both the deepening of core businesses and the evolution of new ventures, while accelerating CX (Corporate Transformation) and DX (Digital Transformation).
In terms of CX, the company aims to create an environment where employees worldwide can work autonomously and with enthusiasm. NYK plans to move away from a top-down approach driven by Tokyo headquarters, empowering each region to proactively generate corporate value. This includes increasing opportunities for overseas employees to work in Tokyo and delegating management authority of local subsidiaries to regional leadership.
President Soga concluded his address by reiterating the importance of viewing climate change not as a societal demand but as a pressing personal issue. He called on all employees to actively participate in decarbonisation and business transformation efforts. In 2025, NYK Group aims to further deepen its ”ambidextrous management approach”, striving for sustainable growth in the years ahead.
2024年は、異常気象、地政学的対立、主要国の政権交代など、自然、政治、経済のすべての面で混迷が深まった一年であった。そんな中、日本郵船グループは4100億円の経常利益を見込む堅調な業績を達成した。曽我貴也(Takaya Soga)社長は日本郵船の新年の挨拶で、社員一人ひとりの粘り強い努力が成果を生んだとし、感謝と敬意を表した。