〆Investments by Japanese power companies, trading houses, and shipping companies in new energies such as ammonia fuel and offshore wind power are being announced one after another.

The next sector for Japan’s shipping giants and trading houses to invest in is a matter of speculation. It’s certain that this sector will involve new energies. The real question is: “How and where exactly should they invest?”

Itochu Corporation has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Yumin Marine Transport, a major Taiwanese shipowner, for the joint development of ammonia-fueled ships. Initially, ammonia fuel was considered unsuitable for ship fuel due to its toxicity and strong odor. However, Japan’s shipping industry is rapidly increasing its interest in ammonia fuel as it moves towards achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

The same applies to wind power generation.

With the Japanese government permitting the installation of floating offshore power generation in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), it’s anticipated that trillions of yen will be invested in floating offshore wind power generation in the near future.

How Japan’s shipping industry should engage with this floating offshore wind power in the EEZ is a question that needs consideration.

In this context, a major player in Japan’s electricity industry, Kansai Electric Power, has invested in Odfjell Oceanwind. It’s reasonable to assume that Japan’s shipping giants have also considered investments in this sector. However, there must be reasons why they have not yet taken the plunge. Perhaps the electricity sector is not solely profit-oriented but also serves as public infrastructure.

〆Itochu and Taiwanese shipowner Yumin have signed a memorandum of understanding for the development of ammonia-fueled ships.

Itochu Corporation announced on March 22, 2024, that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with Yumin Marine Transport, a major Taiwanese shipowner, regarding the joint development of ammonia-fueled ships. Yumin has a track record of owning and operating LNG (liquefied natural gas) fueled Cape-size bulk carriers for the British resource giant Anglo American. Itochu aims to develop large-scale bulk carriers fueled by ammonia in collaboration with Yumin, with the goal of joint ownership and operation.

Currently, under the Green Innovation Fund project of NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization), Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, NS United Kaiun Kaisha, Nippon Shipyard, and Mitsui E&S Machinery are collaborating on the development of ammonia-fueled bulk carriers.

Regarding Yumin, Itochu stated, “As one of the world’s leading companies in the shipping industry that has promptly embarked on decarbonization, such as entering into the ownership and operation of LNG-fueled bulk carriers, it has strong relationships with major shippers, shipyards, and shipping companies.”

〆Kansai Electric Power has announced on March 21, 2024, that it will invest in Odofel Ocean Wind, a Norwegian company developing floating foundation technology for offshore wind power generation. The investment ratio and amount have not been disclosed.
Kansai Electric Power has previously collaborated with Odofel Ocean Wind on projects, and based on those achievements, it has expanded its investment in this venture. Mitsui O.S.K. Lines is also an investor in Odofel Ocean Wind.








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