〆In the first part of the series, DLAT Ship Management CEO Krishan Chandra Bist said in an interview that Empire DLAT is aiming to enter the Japanese market.

In 2023, Indian ship management company DLAT Ship Management, led by CEO Krishan Chandra Bist, and Greek shipowner Empire Chemical Tankers, led by CEO Leonidas Polemis, established a joint venture named Empire DLAT. This shipping company represents an unusual combination of an Indian ship management firm and a Greek shipowner. Both companies plan to approach charterers in the Japanese market to offer their ship management services. An interview was conducted to discuss their unique initiative. (Interviewer: Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Questions for an interview with DLAT Ship Management:

1) Please tell us about the overview of DLat Ship Management (including the number of ships managed, owned vessels, etc.)-

“From 2020 to date DLAT managed a total of 50 to 80 nos. of vessels approximately under crew management, these vessels including Dry Cargo, Cement Carrier, MPP, Chemical Tanker, Bunker Tanker, etc. and in September 2021 Empire Chemical Tanker Inc. Appointed DLAT as crew Manager of its own Tanker fleet and February 2023 formed Joint venture company Empire DLAT LTD. Registered in Marshal Island and in India, Empire managed and owned many Tankers and Dry cargo vessels over the last 60 Years.”

2) The background and reasons why Mr. Krishan established DLAT Ship Management.

“Krishan’s background is on the commercial management side in shipping, having 15 years experience in trading, ship broking, ship operation etc.. and in 2020 he decided to create his own Shipping company with the name DLAT, which means the difference between Latitude. DLAT has since been providing quality crewing and management services to their clients, ship owners, ship managers, ship charterers, traders etc. “

3) The reasons for choosing Empire Chemical Tanker Holding Inc. as a joint partner.

“Empire has a long family background as a ship-owning and management company based in Greece and the UK. The Polemis family, in particular, has a very good long-standing name in the shipping community with good relations with Greek, North European, Korean, and Asian Clients. Empire and DLAT decided that if they joined together, they could promote their services globally, combining expertise in technical, commercial, and crewing management, with quality and cost-effective services to their clients.”

4) What does your company seek in the Japanese market in the future?

“We (Empire DLAT LTD.) are very interested in approaching Japanese owners, traders, financial institutions, and charterers with our unique combination of Greek shipping expertise and good Indian quality shipping and crewing services. The Polemis family has a good history in Japan building ships there from the 1950s and understands the basis of a good working relationship in the Japanese business culture based on a straightforward open approach and building trust through consistent, diligent professionalism. We believe we can offer a better, performance-driven, hands-on, cost-effective, boutique approach to ship and crew management, along with a deep history in shipping that we believe Japanese owners, especially, will appreciate.”


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