〆Spectacular DryDel Shipping Party Held at Island Athens Riviera

〆Hundreds of Greek Shipping Stakeholders, Japanese Shipowners, Trading Companies, and Brokers Enjoy Posidonia Night

On the 6th, a splendid party hosted by DryDel Shipping was held at Island Athens Riviera, located about 25 kilometers south of central Athens, where guests could gaze at passenger ships floating offshore. This company, which recently changed its name in February, gathered hundreds of Greek shipping industry members, Japanese shipowners, trading companies, and brokers at the event. Attendees enjoyed the party while celebrating the new beginning of DryDel Shipping, with a view of the sunset peeking through the clouds in the distance.

Costas Delaportas, President and CEO of DryDel Shipping, has a very close relationship with the Japanese shipping and shipbuilding industries.

A British broker who attended the party explained the secret to this relationship:
“He has always valued trust with Japanese shipowners. This was true seven years ago when the shipping market was poor, and it remains true now that the dry bulk market is strong. He keeps his promises to Japanese shipowners, shipbuilding companies, and trading firms, whether the shipping market is good or bad. This is the biggest reason for his success in Japan.”

Mr. Delaportas’ credo is, “Hard work leads to success.”

Indeed, every time he visits Japan on business trips, he schedules his appointments down to the minute. He is coming to Japan again next week for the delivery ceremony of a new ship.

I do not know of any other Greek shipowner who has built such a close relationship with the Japanese shipping industry so rapidly. The party was attended by staff from the Greek headquarters as well as DryDel Shipping teams from around the world. They all expressed their trust in their president to the reporter. This teamwork is also one of the reasons why DryDel Shipping is loved by the shipping industry in Japan and worldwide.

〆DryDel Shippingの素晴らしいパーティーがIsland Athens Rivieraで開催された。

 沖合に浮かぶ客船を眺めることができるアテネ中心部から約25キロメートル南方に位置するIsland Athens Rivieraで6日、DryDel Shippingの素晴らしいパーティーが開催された。2月に社名を変えたばかりのこの会社のパーティーには数百人のギリシャ海運関係者、日本船主、商社、グローカーが集まった。遥彼方に雲の合間から除く夕日を望みながら、集まった人々はDryDel Shippingの新たな門出を祝うようにパーティーを楽しんだ。
 DryDel ShippingのCostas Delaportas社長兼CEOと日本の海運、造船業界との関係は非常に親密だ。



 Mr. Delaportasの信条は「ハードワークが成功につながる」である。


 私はここまで急速に日本の海運業界と親密を関係を結んだギリシャ船主を他に知らない。パーティにはギリシャ本社のほか、世界中のDryDel Shippingのスタッフが集まった。彼らは口々に社長に対する信頼を示す言葉を記者に伝えた。このチームワークもまた、DryDel Shippingが日本、または世界の海運業界から愛される理由の一つだろう。


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