〆Saiki Heavy Industries is advancing the development of zero-emission ships that utilize hydrogen extracted from ammonia as fuel.

Photo courtesy=Saiki Heavy Industries

〆The company has developed a concept for a device that extracts hydrogen and nitrogen from ammonia and supplies them as fuel. This technology has been patented in Japan.

Saiki Heavy Industries, headed by President Hiroshi Takenaka in Saiki City, Oita Prefecture, is advancing the development of a new zero-emission ship that utilizes hydrogen extracted from ammonia as fuel.

The concept of the zero-emission ship developed by the company involves using ammonia as the primary fuel, which is then reformed into hydrogen on board. Subsequently, the hydrogen extracted from ammonia is used as the power source, while nitrogen is utilized for explosion prevention measures.

Saiki Heavy Industries’ concept for a zero-emission ship was granted a domestic patent in July 2022 and is currently being promoted for international markets.

Saiki Heavy Industries has developed a new concept for a zero-emission ship, which utilizes the following technology: initially, liquid ammonia loaded onto the vessel is reformed into hydrogen and nitrogen using a catalyst onboard the ship, and then the hydrogen extracted from the ammonia is used as fuel for the main engine.

Powering the ship with ammonia while ammonia is used as the fuel, the main engine is powered by compressed hydrogen.

Consequently, this clears the challenges associated with hydrogen fuel, such as the ultra-low temperature technology required for liquefying hydrogen at -253 degrees Celsius, as well as the size of the liquefied tank. The engine room is supplied with hydrogen reformed from ammonia, thus alleviating concerns about the toxicity of ammonia.

During visiting at the Engine Forum Kobe, Saiki Heavy Industries’ Managing Director Masatomo Satoh and Director/General Manager Yutaka Hidaka expressed the following:

“The concept of this new zero-emission ship can be applied to medium-sized bulk carriers and other oceangoing vessels. We believe it is one way to solve the challenges of both hydrogen and ammonia fuels.”

Saiki Heavy Industries is involved in building various vessels, including handy-sized and handy-max bulk carriers, ferry/RO-RO ships, and MR type product ships. The newly developed concept ship utilizing ammonia and hydrogen is being pursued as part of the equipment development business.

While ammonia is used as the fuel, the main engine is powered by compressed hydrogen.






今回、エンジンフォーラム神戸に来場した佐伯重工業のManaging Diretor Masatomo Satoh, Director/General Manager Yutaka Hidakaの2名は次のように語った。



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