〆Interview with Danish shipping company INTEGRITY BULK

Danish shipping company INTEGRITY BULK (headquarters Copenhagen) was founded in 2014. Initially, the company started from three people, they currently expand the number of vessels operated to 24 vessels. I sat down with Martin Egvang managing director to discuss the company’s current situation and prospects.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)※This article published in Japanese on 12th July 2018.

■Relationship based on trust with Japanese ship owners
The Japan Maritime Daily (JMD): How many ships do you operate at the moment?

Egvang: We have a total of 14 medium/long-term vessels and 10 spot vessels. We are trading with the Japanese ship owners. We want to trade with Japanese ship owners based on long-term trust relationship. I identify with the Japanese way of thinking and the mentality very much, once you have a relationship of trust, you can build a strong long-term relationship.

JMD: What is the most prominent Features of Integrity bulk?

Egvang: We are balancing long-term vessels and spot ships. We are trading with shippers such as grain majors and fertilizer giants, and we are promoting the efficiency of shipping. With excellent access to cargo transactions, we can operate the vessels efficiently.

JMD: Currently the company focuses on handy size.

Egvang: We operate only 28,000 tons type – 38,000 tons type, small bulkers. As a small company we do not try to do everything but focus on our core business where we feel we can add value. The handy size vessel are very suitable for our grain and fertilizer transportation. Now that we have added capacity to our team here in Copenhagen, we have a plans to expand the Supra Max in the near future.

■Avoid the risk of holding own ship
JMD: Don’t you have own ship?

Egvang: There is no policy to build our own ship. Dry market conditions are very volatile. When we own our own ship, the fleet’s flexibility will lose. We would like further improve our commercial capabilities and the service we provide to our Japanese partners.

JMD: You transferred from dry bulk giant clipper to Integrity bulk.

Egvang: We started out with three people at first. We didn’t have any vessels so we approached major shipping Company Norden and charterers our first vessel from them. This opened many other doors for us.

JMD: You also deal with Japanese trading companies.

Egvang: We are also trading with Japanese trading companies, we would like to further expand our dealings with Japanese companies, including ship owners and brokers, and in 2019 we would like to increase the number of fleets to 20-25 with long-time charter vessels.

JMD: You put on the importance with value for face to face communication.

Egvang: We try to meet people directly as much as possible. We have trusted relationships in the Japanese shipping community and we want to get as close to our Japanese business partners as possible. When we deal with Japanese owners, communication is important and this is much easier when you know each other and understand each other’s requirements and needs.


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