〆Oshima Shipbuilding has released a video showcasing the launch of the first ship completed at the newly acquired Koyagi Shipyard.

Oshima Shipbuilding updated its YouTube channel on the company’s website, featuring footage of the launch of the first 64,000 DWT bulk carrier built at the Koyagi Shipyard. The video documents the inaugural launch that took place on May 29-30, 2024, capturing the thoughts of the shipyard director and other staff in a documentary style.

The new bulk carrier introduced on YouTube is the first to be entirely constructed at the Koyagi Shipyard, from steel plate processing to completion. After launching in May, outfitting work progressed, and the naming ceremony was held on the 9th of this month.

Oshima Shipbuilding began full-scale construction of new ships at the Koyagi Shipyard in July 2023, following the completion of the transfer from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. in December 2022, and had been advancing the construction of the first vessel.

The YouTube video features comments in Japanese from the shipyard director and onsite staff. While non-Japanese speakers may not understand the detailed comments, the footage of the first ship being built speaks volumes. This video is a must-see for shipowners who have commissioned vessels from Oshima Shipbuilding, as well as for other shipyards and maritime professionals. Watching the construction of a bulk carrier, I was deeply moved by the efforts of those on the ground.

〆大島造船所は買収した香焼工場(Koyagi Shipyard)で竣工した第1番船の進水動画を公開した。

大島造船所は、2022 年 12 月 三菱重工業株式会社からの譲渡完了後、2023年7月から香焼工場での新造船建造を本格的に開始し、第一番船の建造を進めていた。



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