〆Breaking News, Typhoon Gaemi Sinks Cargo Ship in Taiwan, Tanker Near the Philippines

Typhoon Gaemi, a powerful storm moving north from the Philippines towards Taiwan, is wreaking havoc in its path. On July 25, 2024, the general cargo ship Fu Shun (registered in Tanzania, built-in 1985) sank off the southern coast of Taiwan with nine crew members on board.

According to Taiwan’s Coast Guard authorities, the Fu Shun was anchored off the coast of the southern port city of Kaohsiung. All nine crew members were of Myanmar nationality.

The typhoon has also brought heavy rainfall to the Philippines. In Manila Bay, the Philippine-registered tanker TERRANOVA(built-in 2002), carrying approximately 1.5 million liters of industrial fuel, capsized. Philippine authorities have reported that 16 crew members were rescued, but one individual was initially reported missing. Later, the Coast Guard confirmed the discovery of the missing crew member’s body.

Photo courtesy, Taiwan coast guard, vessel finder

Authorities have stated that oil has spilled over several kilometers in the affected sea area. The Coast Guard is investigating whether the capsize was due to the severe weather conditions.

Asia has entered its typhoon season, and there is heightened vigilance against incidents involving aging ships, small cargo vessels, and small tankers, which are at increased risk of grounding, capsizing, and sinking.

Flag Tanzania
IMO 8510221
Detailed vessel type General Cargo
Year built 1985

Ship type Oil Products Tanker
Flag Philippines
Gross Tonnage 498
Summer Deadweight (t) 1415
Length Overall (m) 65
Beam (m) 12
Draught (m)
Year of Build 2002

〆Breaking Nes,大型台風「ガエミ」(Typhoon Gaemi)が台湾で貨物船を沈没させ、フィリピン沖でタンカーを転覆させた。

フィリピンから台湾に向け北上している大型台風「ガエミ」(Typhoon Gaemi)が猛威を振るっている。台湾南部沖では2024年7月25日、乗組員9人が乗った一般貨物船Fu Shun(タンザニア船籍、1985年竣工)が沈没した。
台湾の沿岸警備当局などによると、Fu Shunは台湾南部の港町・高雄の沖合に停泊していた。ミャンマー国籍の9人が乗船していたという。


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