



In my webinar, we will cover the following topics:

〆Differentiating between the Profit and Loss Statement (PL) and the Balance Sheet (BS) to understand what aspects of financial statements you might not comprehend.
〆The Profit and Loss Statement (PS) is like the water stored in a dam.
〆Addressing the simple question of why companies can avoid bankruptcy even when they report losses.
〆The year when the Profit and Loss Statement (PL) was favorable, resulting in a net profit of 100 billion yen.
〆The year when the Profit and Loss Statement (PL) showed a deficit.
〆Key financial ratios.
〆Specifically, what are the characteristics of the major shipping companies’ financial results for the period from April to December 2023?
〆Creating your own standards for financial statements.

The Basics of Major Shipping Company Financial Results That You May Not Have Heard Before

 The financial results of major shipping companies have changed dramatically over the past few years.
 Simply put, the 2021-2022 period has seen a number of strong financial results, and both the profit and loss (PL) and balance sheet (BS) have improved dramatically.
 By the way, I mentioned PL and BS briefly, but what is the difference between them? You say “dramatically improved”, but what exactly was improved and how?
 What is the difference between operating income and ordinary income?
 We will be holding a webinar (free of charge) for those who want to know more about shipping companies’ financial results and have the key points of their own company’s financial results explained to them.
 Although the New Year holidays are over, let’s review the interim financial results of major shipping companies together now in preparation for the April-December 2023 financial results to be announced from the end of January.


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